Top 8 Foods to Give Your Skin that Summertime Glow

The birds are singing, the sun is shining, bugs are biting…it’s summertime in Texas!

We all know that there are so many fresh foods to eat in the summer, but here are a few that are going to give your skin that beautiful glow we all love. Not only is it important to stay hydrated for your overall health but keeping your skin hydrated is a must since it is your biggest organ.


Rich in antioxidants which help destroy free radicals in the body.


This fish is high in fatty omega 3’s who’s oils aid in keepinng the skin hydrated.

Sweet Potatoes

These root vegetables contain Vitamin C, which is important in the production of collagen.

Nuts and Seeds

These provide Vitamin E which helps reduce Cortisol levels, which is a stress hormone.


Contain high levels of Vitamin A & C and reduce inflammation.


Fruit rich in beta-carotenes which makes the color of your skin richer (aka no need for self tanner this summer).


Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, all the berries contain the same antioxidants that are necessary for collagen production.


A leafy green that is loaded with Vitamin A, which helps those who suffer with skin dryness.

These are just a few foods that you can add into your diet to give your skin that beautiful summer glow without the harsh rays of the sun. Many of these are nutrient dense and light in calories - with the exception of nuts. So feel free to load up on the fruit and veggies!


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